Once you have your licensing organized, it is time to start your job search.
The earlier that you can connect with a local recruiter the better, as they often know about opportunities years in advance. It normally takes between 8-18 months to recruit a physician based on either them finishing residency, finding someone to take over their current practice, licensing, immigration paperwork and/or timing of the school year.
Niagara’s Health Services
There are many services in the Niagara Region to assist you in practice. If you have a spouse who is looking for hospitalist work please connect with either of the two hospital systems: Niagara Health Specialist Recruitment West Lincoln Memorial [...]
Onboarding New Physicians
If you have made the decision to practice in Niagara congratulations! Some of the municipalities within Niagara have an assigned representative to assist with recruitment and the onboarding of physicians into the community. The physician recruitment program will assist [...]
Welcome New Family Physicians
The Niagara Region would like to welcome the following physicians to family practice in Niagara. For a list of physicians accepting new patients please visit the Niagara Region Public Health's Find a Doctor Page Welcome New Physicians 2025Dr. Andy Duke, [...]
Tips to Transition into Practice
Items to review when taking over a practice Terms of agreement and notice of termination (obligation of retiring physician, date for transfer of patients, notification and cost, non-compete clause, interim agreement for locum coverage) FHO/FHG agreement if applicable (expectations, [...]
Types of Practice Models in Niagara
Ontario's family physicians primarily bill OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) as their primary source of revenue. There are a variety of different types of models in which you can bill/enroll your patients that pay differently based on your preferred [...]