- Lead physician will send an Expression of Interest for a New Signatory Physician to the Primary Care branch of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care for approval
- There is a managed entry in place with the province, which only allows 20 new FHO practices to start each month
- Once EOI is approved, the lead physician can submit an application to add a New Signatory Physician. If the new physician would like to apply for Income Stabilization, the application will accompany this package.
- Align your team of business partners – lawyer/accountant/banker
- Apply for your OHIP billing Number
- Enroll in the Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer Internet Service
- Update/Apply for Canadian Medical Protective Association Insurance
- Investigate the Medical Liability Protection Reimbursement Program
- Obtain Hospital Privileges if needed
- Register with Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Register for Interactive Voice Response.
Steps to Starting your FHO/FHN Medical Practice in NiagaraNPhysician2022-07-11T10:40:20-04:00